About PA

Possibilities Africa “PA” is a Christian organization that exists to equip pastors in rural African communities with knowledge, skills and change in attitude necessary to live and do holistic transformation ministry. The Africa office is Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya from where PA currently serves in five countries in Africa – Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. 

Each of these entities is led by a team of competent board members. The PA team in Africa is made up of staff, and pastors who work hard to make transformation in rural villages possible. We also have an active volunteer team who give their time and talents to help the groups in the communities improve how they execute their vision.

2002 - 2005

ideation season

During a mission trip to Kenya with a group of students and faculty from Moody Graduate School USA, Martin shared his desire to return to Africa to help poor communities.

2005 - 2008

Learning & discovery season

During a mission trip to Kenya with a group of students and faculty from Moody Graduate School USA, Martin shared his desire to return to Africa to help poor communities.

2009 - 2016

mission acceptance & expansion season

PA embarked on a major focus to market holistic approach by initiating training programs for pastors to build their capacity to do holistic ministry. This effort led to PA presence in 13 communities in Kenya, Malawi, and Rwanda.

2017- present

evaluation,reorganization & repositioning season

PA ministry officers undertook a “Know Your Client” survey which revealed that not everyone in our program was properly motivated and committed. From this survey, a new baseline was established.

2020 - 2030

vision 2030 initiated!

Setting a new growth agenda, PA has undertaken a major holistic programs review with a vision to establish 20 new countries of operation in strategic locations in Africa…