We are Africa

Why PA?

We are concerned about poverty in rural Africa and the main factors exacerbating it. Across rural Africa, one will find spiritually weak churches, a lack of trained and equipped leadership, and limited resources for church and community growth. The majority of people are caught up in a cycle of poverty, poor leadership inadequate spiritual discipleship at home, in church, and community, lack of mentorship for children, and inaccessible personal development opportunities.

We empower communities to understand the root causes of poverty in their communities and partner with them to devise solutions to address the issues. The work of PA is not directed at providing one thing or fixing one problem for people. Rather, we seek the holistic transformation of the entire person and community through the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. Our approach discourages a handout, entitlement, and dependence culture. Instead, we challenge people to see the potential that is in and around them and teach them to cultivate and utilize those resources to improve their lives.


The PA Vision

The PA Mission

Nehemiah's approach

Our philosophy of ministry is rooted in the story and work of Nehemiah in the Bible. Just as Nehemiah worked diligently with his fellow countrymen to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem so that they would not live in disgrace (Nehemiah 2:17-18), Possibilities Africa works with people in each community to mobilise them to rebuild the broken walls of their society, spiritually, socio-economically, physically/materially, and culturally so that they may live dignified lives.

Pastor Jeremiah and co, after fixing a water well in the community

Faith Statements

We believe the Bible, the Old and New testaments, as the inspired Word of God for faith and practice. The Bible is the basis and authority for all that we believe and do. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

We believe in one God who has revealed himself as Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and from whom all things are created. 1 Corinthians 8:5-5; 1 Timothy 2:5

We believe that man is the most valued of God’s creation and that God seeks to have a relationship with man. John 3:16

We believe that all men are sinful and in need of salvation provided through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God’s son; and that salvation is by grace through faith alone. Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8-9

We believe in the worldwide spiritual unity of the Christians through the church, the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

We believe that God’s blessings to man are gifts of work (Psalm 90:17, Deut 28:12), faithful stewardship (1 Cor 4:2), service and generous giving (1 Cor 12:8-10; Romans 12:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10-11). That those who have are blessed to be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:1-2; 22:18).

PA Values

Pastor leaders drafting a vision for the transformation of their community
  • Holistic Faith

    We believe that the Bible is God’s word and it provides all that man requires for life and godliness.

  • Servant Leadership

    We encourage a culture of service to others using one’s time, talents and treasures.

  • Personal Responsibility

    We inspire people to take personal responsibility for the change they desire to see

  • Vision

    We teach that people without vision perish. African villages should create a vision of what they are building for the future generations.

  • Community

    We affirm that when people join hands in unity they are able to achieve a collective Vision that improves their lives.

  • Stewardship

    We teach people that all they are, have and that is around them is God’s resources entrusted to them to be managed well for God’s glory and man’s wellbeing.

  • Productivity

    We challenge people to live industrious lives.

PA History

2002 - 2008

During a mission trip to Kenya with a group of students and faculty from Moody Graduate School USA, Martin shared his desire to return to Africa to help poor communities.

2009 - 2016

PA embarked on a major focus to market holistic approach by initiating training programs for pastors to build their capacity to do holistic ministry. This effort led to PA presence in 13 communities in Kenya, Malawi, and Rwanda.

2017 - 2019

PA ministry officers undertook a “Know Your Client” survey which revealed that not everyone in our program was properly motivated and committed. From this survey, a new baseline was established.


Setting a new growth agenda, PA has undertaken a major holistic programs review with a vision to establish 20 new countries of operation in strategic locations in Africa…