Our work

The work of PA

The work of PA is not directed at providing one thing or fixing one problem for people. Rather, we seek the holistic transformation of the entire person and community through the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. In our approach, we do not promote a handouts, entitlement and dependence culture. We instead challenge people to see the potential that is in and around them and teach them to cultivate and utilize those resources for the betterment of their lives.

PA 5 Transformational Programs

Transformational Leadership Development

This is the PA anchor program from which other programs are implemented. The program focuses on recruiting & selecting, organizing and equipping pastor leaders, who together as a cohesive group, provide visionary, servant leadership necessary for sustainable holistic transformation. We target pastor leaders because they have the truth of the bible upon which they can build a holistic vision for their families, churches and communities. 

These pastors are both ministry beneficiaries as well as the actual ministry implementers on the ground in the community. PA invests in building them to develop the values of servant, vision, knowledgeable, godly and united leadership necessary to create a better life for the people in their communities. Proverbs 29:18; Hosea 4:6; Nehemiah 2:17

Spiritual Discipleship

PA believes that guiding people in the Judeo-Christian faith and practice gives them a foundation necessary for true and eternal transformation. This means teaching the whole gospel to transform the whole person and impact the whole community. The program is designed to equip the pastor leaders to lead devotional discipleship and numerical growth of the church in the community.

Economic Productivity

Most rural African communities are endowed with great natural resources. Many face the challenges on how to best utilize their resources and talents. PA empowers the people in the community through the pastor leaders’ groups to see the resources around them, learn how to develop them through diligence and hard work, and use them sustainably for the wellbeing of their communities. PA teaches and encourages an asset-based development model instead of a handouts approach to helping people.

Mentoring the Next Generation

Possibilities Africa believes that though the fruits of our work are seen today, major transformational milestones shall be attained over a generation. As such we intentionally support the mentoring of the next generation as a core program that invests in children and teenagers to grow up with the values, beliefs and life skills necessary to live holistic lives. We equip the pastors to develop programs and platforms for holistic mentoring of the children at home, church, school and in the community.

Responsible Citizenship

This program recognizes our responsibility to live our values in the community where God has placed us as responsible citizens contributing to solving community problems and creating an orderly society. We do this through helping the churches develop programs uniquely designed to impact the community around them outside the four walls of the church. These may address several community issues including developing community cohesion activities such as sports & theatre, developing emergency response preparedness & resilience, providing accountability to community leaders & administrators, and participating in building community resources such as schools, health centers, sources of clean water, roads etc.

Will Africa ever transform?

"...But with God all things are possible..."

Matthew 19:26

Everything that seems impossible in our human ability is made possible by God. Applying the whole Gospel to the whole person for the transformation of communities means that Christ is the driver and PA has taken up the mission to facilitate the journey!