Board chair's message

I have lived in both worlds, the village and the big city! From each, there are memories I hold dear that have helped me realize, a dignified life is not about the money, but more about being helped to make choices that make us see our circumstances as opportunities. Two vivid memories from my life in the village are of smoke and darkness signifying poverty and blindness. This is what led to the idea of the village people referring to the city as, “The place of wealth and light”.

The city has for many years been seen as an escape from rural poverty – a place of opportunity. The message of Possibilities Africa “PA” is a response to this perception. The only way to ensure that the people in rural African villages understand this is for their capacity to be built in a language they understand. PA has done this over the past ten years, spreading the message of a holistic ministry, which is about developing transformational leaders through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ impacting the whole person, to transform whole communities. The core programs address spiritual, mental, socio-economic and cultural transformation.

As the African saying goes, “One finger cannot kill a louse”, speaks to the power of a collective effort – unity in purpose for transformation. The PA ministry model provides a channel to empower pastor leaders in rural Africa to achieve the desired transformation. These pastor leaders champion transformation in their communities by demonstrating the value of a shared vision for dignified lives.

 I am privileged to serve with a committed board of directors that has a passion for Africa and contributes towards restoring the continent to what God intended it to be for His glory.

Mr.Samuel Makome